Friday, July 19, 2013

Why can't we be friends?

Robbie Cooper author of the UrbanGrounds blog, writes a piece called The Texas Tribune starts it's smear campaign against Attorney general Greg Abbott. This blog which is considered to be a right leaning blog goes on to state how the "so called" no partisan paper is already making bad publicity for Greg Abbott, who recently announced that he would be running for Texas Governer. 

The author goes on to quote certain campaigns against Abbott claiming he is a hypocrite "for fighting for strict tort reform measures even though he himself won a large settlement in the accident that put him in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. On a side note, but to back up my claim that these types of attacks are only aimed at Conservatives in Texas"

I feel the author is directing this article towards the Republican followers. Both Democrats and Republicans will say that one is hashing the other with lies. While reading the blog post I get the feeling that the author is defending Greg Abbott making arguments against what the tribune supposedly said. I have to agree with defending people you believe in. Though Greg Abbott will likely never know it happened, it's great to stand up for those you believe in.

I am new to politics, and still trying to understand why the parties that represent our country back stab each other like high school girls.

1 comment:

  1. In a blog by Inside the USA, the author calls out some interesting assumptions regarding media and its biases towards those venues or political candidates that it opposes.
    I particularly like my classmates view on the entire political venue as she equates it high school girls stabbing each other in the back. I really like this assumption as I can see it playing out as our party system really does act that way. They are super nice to each other faces during debates and campaigns if representatives are there and able to defend themselves against allegations, however if no one is around then the claws come out and the mud starts flying. I also find it interesting that both parties spread gossip and claim the other is lying another key trait of a group of freshman girls.
    I also find it interesting that our parties also choose to support each other or band against other parties that might try and come in and break up their level of control. It seems that their only main goal is to maintain their status at the top of the cheerleading pyramid that is our political system. They care who gets to the top, but only as much as that’s the one who gets to date the football captain for the next 4 years.
    I enjoyed Stephanie’s quizzical look into our political system and its seemingly immature behavior. I do however slightly disagree with her though, I've been around the block enough times to realize that although both of these girls might be attractive, I've decided to go stag to the prom.
