Tuesday, July 23, 2013

"Texas Shame Act"

Today I had the pleasure of reading one of the most interesting blogs I have ever read. The Blog is called Mean Rachel and in her blog you can vote on whether or not her post was mean, too mean, or not mean at all. Very Creative Rachel...

Though Rachel does not post often I enjoyed reading what she wrote that is now considered "old news". March 2012 she wrote about what she calls the "Texas Shame Act". This post was about how a Texas newspaper posted in the comic strip section a pun towards women and the abortion laws and the Texas sonogram law. People who support the law  "a bit of anxiety as they never expected anyone but liberal, hairy-legged peace pipe players and baby killers to pay attention to the law or even hear about it." She goes onto exploit how people are offended that something terrible like that would be in the newspaper but how people are also saying it's to protect the women...She made a specific point that I found very interesting. She states in her article if it really is about protecting the women then why can't I read it while "eating my cheerios". She goes to point out how there are other comics about menopause and such.

I feel Rachel's post is directed toward the democratic prop choice audience. However Rachel has a unique way of writing which makes you see a perspective you may not of thought of she made me see a point through the eyes of a Democrat. I am typically a conservative Republican who is pro life, but as Rachel points out the republican offended by the comic strip her logic really does not make sense. ""I'm very sad that a Texas law is being made fun of in this manner, when all this is about is protecting the health of women," said Carol Everett, CEO of anti-abortion non-profit the Heidi Group. "...[W]e do not need to be putting it in the comic section, first of all, where families and children may see it, or even the editorial page. We need to give that woman the privacy that she deserves when she makes that decision, yet a fully-informed consent."

If Republican's really feel that this is inappropriate then they need to have more of a back bone instead of making excuses saying it's not fair for women and children to have to read this. They should come out and say what they believe in and be ready to face the battle. Not to say Republicans cower down but in this particular story, the Republican did.

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